Official Logo for the Exhibition

Poster Design For The Third Degree Show

Facebook Events Page for 'The Third Degree'

Anyone is welcome to come and attend the exhibition so feel free to invite friends and family.

Click the link below -

QR Code for the catalogue

The QR code will also be used for my business cards which will direct people straight to this website.

Image and Statement for the Exhibition Catalogue


“ Action, looks, words, steps form the alphabet by which you may spell character”. - Johann Kasper Lavater

To me art is like a mystery waiting to be solved. I see an artwork as the concentration of an idea or concept into a physical entity. The idea or concept is rarely evident through just looking at a piece; it requires analysis or examination to interpret it.

My work explores text and typography in which my invented alphabet becomes a challenge for the viewer to decipher what the text says.

A few text examples

Words relating to crime are shown in the pictures below.