Alterations of degree show space
A slight few changes have been made to the space i originally asked for..i am now moving over to the opposite wall where the wall space is much bigger, a bit of prep work is in order to get the space looking nice and a small window is to be blocked up by a piece of board as i want no gaps in my space.
New Allocated Space
New Allocated Space
Business Cards
Business cards should hopefully be arriving on the 10th May just in time for them to be displayed alongside my exhibition space.
Degree Show Opening Times
*Degree Show Opening Times*
1st June – Private view 6-8pm
2nd & 3rd-Open
Closed Monday 4th & Tuesday 5th (Bank holiday)
6th to 8th Open
Sat-Sun (9th-10th) – Closed
11th to 15th - Open
Greestone Building,
Lindum Road,
1st June – Private view 6-8pm
2nd & 3rd-Open
Closed Monday 4th & Tuesday 5th (Bank holiday)
6th to 8th Open
Sat-Sun (9th-10th) – Closed
11th to 15th - Open
Greestone Building,
Lindum Road,
Facebook Events Page for 'The Third Degree'
Anyone is welcome to come and attend the exhibition so feel free to invite friends and family.
Click the link below -
Click the link below -
QR Code for the catalogue
The QR code will also be used for my business cards which will direct people straight to this website.
Image and Statement for the Exhibition Catalogue

“ Action, looks, words, steps form the alphabet by which you may spell character”. - Johann Kasper Lavater
To me art is like a mystery waiting to be solved. I see an artwork as the concentration of an idea or concept into a physical entity. The idea or concept is rarely evident through just looking at a piece; it requires analysis or examination to interpret it.
My work explores text and typography in which my invented alphabet becomes a challenge for the viewer to decipher what the text says.
Online Postcard Auction Ends
Well done to everyone who contributed to the auction and took time out to check the emails it went really well.
Online News Articles
As part of my work i have been looking at online news articles about death and murder that have happened since December 2011. My work consists of taking paragraphs or even just a few sentences which i then use to type up using my invented text. The idea of not being able to read what the text says makes it a mystery.
Link to the Lincoln Degree Show 2012
Everyone is more than welcome to come along and attend this Exhibition it will be one to remember :)
Mini Exhibition Piece - March
For the 'Mini Exhibition' the whole year brought together the work that they had been working on towards the actual Final Exhibition. For my piece i had produced four text pieces with a personal touch of my own memories for the viewers to read...that's if they could, as the text is slightly difficult to read. Although once you suss it out it gradually gets easier.
Degree Show Space Given
I have finally been allocated my space for the degree show in room 2.17, i am a very pleased with the space as it is quite a large space and very bright and well lit.
Here is the plan of the space
Here is the plan of the space
Online Postcard Auction
Please feel the need to start biding on some great works of art it all helps towards our Final Exhibition, click the link below to get started :)
A Quote that caught my attention
“ Action, looks, words, steps form the alphabet by which you may spell character”. - Johann Kasper Lavater
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